Sunday, 15 March 2015

Metabolisme - Tempus Fugit (1977)

A one off French band.

The excellent French vocals and the long songs would always make a comparisson with Ange a certainty. But that is not a just comparrison. I would rather compare them to Harmonium from the Quebec scene from across the water. The emphasis is one symphonic folk rock with a lot of hippie and space rock elements. The sound is very good and the album very much survives the test of time.

The music here is not brilliant. The opening track Apotres et Martyrs is very haunting hymn like with emphasis on keyboards and vocals. That is the best track of this album. The rest of the album is rather good too. But this is by no means an album worth two wives and a caravan on the second hand market. But it is still an enjoyable experience.

3 points

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