Sunday, 30 August 2015

Magnolia - La Zona D'Ombra (2012)

The flow of new Italian art/prog bands with their debut album is very impressive. Pasta on my plate, but I think this is the fifteenth or so debut album from Italy this year. That is impressive !

Magnolia is from the eternal city Rome. The music is dominated by Chiara Gironi great, sometimes jazzy female vocals. She adds a lot of soul and colours to a pretty standard folksy jazzy art rock sound. Music performed with keyboards, guitars, bass, drums and piano. The music almost have a chamber orchestra feel.

There is no denying that the music is dominated by the vocals and that the other instruments are nicely providing the ambience for the vocals. If this was her solo album, I would not has been surprised. The songs are rather somber too and downcast. I don't speak or understand a word of Italian so I may be totally wrong here. But this sounds somber to me.

The end result is another good debut album from Italy. There is no real great songs here. Neither does this album have anything I find disagreeable. Magnolia is a band I have put on my talents list and I will follow their development with great interest. The album is streamed on Progstreaming now and make sure you check it out.

3 points

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