Sunday, 14 June 2015

Runemagick - The Supreme Force of Eternity (1998)

The debut album from this Swedish death/doom metal band. For some reasons I cannot remember/do not know, I got all their albums and this is # 1 of a full run through of all their albums.

Runemagick started out as a straight death metal band. This album has a neat mix of the Sunlight sound (Entombed, Dismember, Grave) and the Gothenburgh sound (At The Gates). The music is not particular brutal. Neither is it overly melodic either. Middle of the road Swedish death metal, I would say.

I have not been listening to Swedish death metal for a long while and this album rekindle a long dormant interest I have in this scene. The quality is decent throughout without really being good. It is obvious the band has a lot of quality, but that does not shine through on this album.

A decent album, but nothing more.

2 points

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